Daring to Dream: The Importance of Breaks

Daring to Dream: The Importance of Breaks

A few days ago I was out with a friend and she said, “Do you ever feel like you’re stuck on a hamster wheel that just never stops? It’s all go, go, go, rush, rush, rush.” In today’s hectic world, the idea of taking a break often feels like a luxury few can afford. For entrepreneurs, dreamers, and parents alike, the relentless grind and chronic stress are almost worn as a badge of honor.

Unfortunately, all that hustle and bustle can be a distraction that keeps us from recognizing and working toward what we really want.

What if I told you that taking a break isn’t a sign of weakness but a strategic move toward achieving your goals?

The Downside to “Being Busy”

As parents, we are always on the go. There are no weekends off, lunch breaks, or vacations. It can often feel like there is no mental downtime either. We end our days frazzled and exhausted, wondering what we did all day while simultaneously feeling like we haven’t had even a minute to ourselves.

The problem with that is, if you never have time for yourself, you never have time to think, reflect or even recognize what you really want in life.

In my upcoming book How to Dream, I mention that society functions a lot like bees in a hive. The queen bee needs to keep us busy so that we don’t realize we’re sick and tired of flying around at her beck and call. We trade every second of our days for a paycheck, doing what someone else tell us to do. We put our own needs on the back burner, convinced they don’t really matter.

That is simply not true.

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The first step in remembering how to dream, and creating the fulfilling life you know you deserve, is to pause long enough to recognize what you really want.

Why It’s Okay to Take Temporary Breaks

One of the biggest misconceptions is that “we can’t” take breaks. We are afraid that if we step away from our to-dos for even a second, we will fall behind. The reality is that if you are running on fumes, you probably aren’t being all that productive anyway.

Our brains need rest to function optimally. If your brain and your body are begging you to stop, ignoring that need can lead to burnout and decreased efficiency. Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup.

Taking time away from your to-dos, or even your dream itself, can also actually help you solve problems and be more productive when you come back.

When we take breaks, our brains don’t really stop. They just have mental space and bandwidth to think about things in a new way. When you’re too close to a single task, it’s easy to lose sight of the bigger picture. A break allows you to step back, evaluate your progress, and make more informed decisions.

4 Benefits of Taking a Break

There are lots of benefits to taking frequent breaks. Whether they are little micro breaks or day long self-care retreats, breaks give us time to focus on what we really want, think up new creative ideas and prevent decision fatigue. Here are four of the many benefits of adding break times to your daily life:

Enhanced Productivity

Contrary to popular belief, pushing yourself to the brink doesn’t make you more productive. Taking regular breaks can actually help you get more done.

Attention spans vary greatly but most of us can only focus on one thing for 10-52 minutes at a time.

Recognizing when you’ve reached your limit and honoring your need to get up, move around, or think about something else can actually increase productivity.

Improved Physical and Mental Health

Constantly working without breaks can take a toll on your mind and body. Stress, anxiety, and burnout are all common side effects of grinding to get things done for far too long.

By taking regular breaks, you can reduce stress levels, improve your mood, boost your energy levels and maintain a more balanced mental state. Taking breaks has even been shown to help prevent heart disease in some studies!

Gain A New Perspective

Have you ever been in about to lose your cool and decided to take a break instead of unleash your fury?

Taking breaks during arguments or conflicts can boost our ability to respond with compassion and empathy.

When emotions run high, it’s easy to become defensive or dismissive, which usually makes things worse. Stepping away helps us cool down, gather our thoughts, and maybe even better understand more of the other person’s perspective.

Make Better Decisions

Decision fatigue is a real thing. When you’re mentally exhausted, your ability to make good decisions suffers. Taking a break gives your mind time to rest and reset so that you can think it all through and make the best possible decision.

Increased Creativity

Creativity thrives on diversity and novelty. When you step away from the mundane and try something new, you expose yourself to new ideas and experiences. You might even make a new friend, learn a new skill, or discover new solutions to your problems in the process!

How to Take Effective Breaks

Now that you’re fully convinced that you need to add more breaks to your life, here’s how to make it happen:

Schedule Your Breaks

One of the most effective ways to make sure you take breaks is to schedule them. Set specific times during your day for short breaks and longer periods of rest. Treat these breaks as non-negotiable appointments with yourself.

I usually give myself a break, or some me time, first thing in the morning and right when I come home from work. When my schedule allows, I try to schedule breaks between therapy clients too so that I am giving each person my best self.

Try New Things

Variety is the spice of life. It’s also essential for effective breaks. A break doesn’t mean you sit and stare off into space. It means you stop doing one thing for a bit to do something else.

You could take a break by:

  • Going for a walk
  • Reading a book
  • Eating a snack
  • Trying a new hobby
  • Calling a friend
  • Journaling
  • Practicing mindfulness
  • Creating
  • Listening to music
  • Dancing
  • Exercising
  • Daydreaming
  • Playing with your kids

The key is to do something that takes your mind off whatever is stressing you out or making you feel heavy in the moment.

Overcoming the Guilt Around Taking Breaks

The hive mentality runs deep. Most of us have been trained to believe that if we aren’t “doing anything” we are being lazy. That couldn’t be further from the truth.

We need breaks to discover our best ideas, our inner-desires and our deepest needs. If you really want to show up as your best self at work, for your kids, and even for your own dreams, you need to take breaks.

Reframe Your Break Mindset

Understand that taking breaks is not a luxury but a necessity. Taking breaks gives you fuel to keep going. It’s like stopping at the gas station to put gas in the tank. If you tried to do that while driving, it would be a huge mess!

Breaks aren’t wastes of time. They are investments in ourselves, our relationships and our dreams. You need breaks to become your best you.

Focus on the Positive Effects

The benefits of taking a break far outweigh the negative. Remind yourself that your well being matters just as much as anyone else’s. Your lunch break exists for a reason. A trip to a coffee shop isn’t selfish. The reduced stress and increased productivity you gain from taking time for you will benefit everyone around you.

Breaks are the Portal to Your Dreams

I’m going to say it again—breaks aren’t selfish. They are the portal to your dreams. You will never figure out what you really want if you don’t take time for you. You will never be able to make your dreams a reality if you don’t prioritize time for the things you want. Working on your dreams can even be one of the ways to take a break!

You can’t live the fulfilling life you know you deserve until you know what fulfills you. So make a date with yourself this week to take a break, reflect on what you really want in life and rest and recharge.

If you’d like a beautiful workbook to guide your reflection, get this sneak peek of my new book How to Dream. We will also send you a snippet of the workbook we created to go with the book, to really help people take their dreams from idea to reality.

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About Deedee Cummings

As a therapist, attorney, author, and CEO of Make A Way Media, Deedee Cummings has a passion for making the world a better place. All 16 of Cummings’ diverse picture, poetry, and workbooks for kids reflect her professional knowledge and love of life. Colorful and vibrant, her children’s books are not only fun for kids and adults to read, they also work to teach coping skills, reinforce the universal message of love, encourage mindfulness, and facilitate inclusion for all. Cummings has spent more than two decades working within the family therapy and support field and much of her writing shares her experiences of working with kids in therapeutic foster care. As a result, her catalogs of published books for kids are filled with positive, hopeful messages. Using therapeutic techniques in her stories to teach coping skills, Cummings also strives to lessen the stigma that some people feel when it comes to receiving mental health assistance.

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