

Develop Curiosity

Believe it or not, curiosity can be developed. It isn’t just something that children have and adults lose. Rather, it is a skill or way of being that anyone can […]

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Staying Judgment Free in Our Empathy

How can we show more empathy to others? How can we show more empathy for ourselves? Perhaps the hardest thing about relating to others is the ever-sneaky way that judgment […]

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Daring to Dream: A Mid-Year Assessment

How can I stick to my goals? January was a long, long time ago, wasn’t it? You may have entirely forgotten your resolutions, your plans, your goals, your dreams–whatever you […]

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Parenting and Our Imperfect Union

How do I parent my child in this political climate?  How do we celebrate our country while recognizing its flaws? The history of the United States is complicated and messy. […]

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Conflict and Communication- Goldilocks Part II

Why has Goldilocks been on our mind lately? I don’t know… we are a diverse books site after all. However, there are pieces of this story we can use because […]

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The Ability to Change and the Importance of Having a Growth Mindset

We change throughout our lives, but somehow it has become a little taboo to change one’s mind. If someone changes how they think about something, they are sometimes referred to […]

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