I have picked my next word for the year. I have talked about this a few times in the past and the impact it has had on me. Especially during 2022 when I chose the word unprecedented. It became my intention and my guide to help me make choices and decisions that led to unprecedented things.
If you haven’t picked this up as a practice yet, this article is about why it’s time to finally give this a try.
Why You Need A Word Of The Year
A friend is responsible for me making this a practice and, in all honesty, I thought it was a really silly thing to do. Until I did it.
The year that this was most powerful for me was the year I was really working hard on my Broadway project. (I still am working on it, but I manage a lot of projects so they all have their season.) I can’t count the number of times this voice entered my head telling me how silly I was for having this Broadway ambition.
I would hear these statements in my head that said, “You’re not a part of the Broadway world, why are you doing this!” Or, “what in the heck do you know about Broadway?” But everyone who has ever gotten a show to Broadway at some point was not a part of the Broadway world.
In my new book, How to Dream, I talk about these voices. These voices are our fears speaking to us. If you’ve ever suffered from imposter syndrome you’ve heard these voices too.
Here’s what I want you to hold on to: absolutely nothing quiets these voices like taking action. Keep moving towards your dream, whatever it is, even if you just take one step at a time.
And, the first step you can take today is one of the easiest, yet most powerful thing you can do. That first step could even be picking your word of the year.
In the articles I included above, I talked about the power of having that word on deck in my brain. It’s a quick, positive and powerful affirmation that keeps me from getting knocked off my game.
My Word Of The Year For 2025
The interesting thing is that after years of picking words that might not surprise you, because of their proximity to business or entrepreneurship, I went in a different direction this year. This year, my word of the year is LOVE.
It became so clear to me after a year of hate. A year of conflict. A year of strife.
My guiding beacon this year, my word of the year, will keep me focused on why I started all of this in the first place. It didn’t start because of business. It started because of love.
My love for writing.
My love of social justice.
My love of reading.
My love of people.
My love of family.
My love of the people I work with.
My love of ME.
My word of the year is LOVE. If I don’t love it, I ain’t doing it. If it doesn’t bring me, my stories, my family, and my team the kind of light that loves bring I can easily say, “that project is not for me”.
It’s the ultimate palate cleanser. It will be clear what tastes like success to me.
What’s your word of the year? What one word sums up your vision so you can focus on what really matters and more easily cut out the distractions and the negativity? Let me know in the comments below!
Adding More Love To Your Year
If you are feeling a bit like me and could use a little more love in your life, my self-paced course called “Cultivating Self-Love To Create An Unstoppable You” will help you make self-love and self-care part of your everyday life.
Our relationships with ourselves are the most important relationships we will ever have. Get the tools you need to become the best version of yourself you can be. Take the Cultivating Self-Love Course today and become the unstoppable person you were meant to be!