Black Lives Matter

Make A Way Media is a Black-owned business. Beyond that, we are headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky- the home of Breonna Taylor. For obvious reasons, my heart has been heavy.

2020 has been one heck of a year. I think of the families who have lost loved ones to senseless prejudice and to police brutality. I imagine that in some ways, especially for these families, this period in time could easily feel as though the world is ending.

We have two pandemics in America. The emerging of the Coronavirus in our country was the second.

I write books about compassion, diversity, love, and peace. Things we are desperately lacking as a nation– but it is not the end of the world—even though it feels that way. We should all be doing things to make sure that generations to come will have a better world than the one we live in right now.

Do not lose hope. Work hard to not allow yourself to be swallowed up by hate and bitterness. Remind yourself every day that love is the path best followed. Even when it is hard. Even in the face of absolutely mind-blowing hate.

Talk to the children in your life openly and honestly about what is going on in our country right now. Talk to them about the protests and how protests have changed things in this country for the better. Make sure they understand how American protesting is.

Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter

Protesting is our right.

It is change in motion.

Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter

Lastly, make sure you talk to children about George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor. Dear God, there are thousands more, but just start there. Ask your children to say their names out loud. Ask your children to not forget who they are. And then listen to your children. For a long time. You will be surprised at the kinds of things their little ears are absorbing. Read books to your children about people who look and live differently. Make sure your children listen when others ask for their help. Make sure you model this behavior in their sight.

Pray for the families of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor. Pray for the families who are hurting. Pray for our nation.

We need your help. We need you to believe us when we say Black Lives Matter.

About Deedee Cummings

As a therapist, attorney, author, and CEO of Make A Way Media, Deedee Cummings has a passion for making the world a better place. All 16 of Cummings’ diverse picture, poetry, and workbooks for kids reflect her professional knowledge and love of life. Colorful and vibrant, her children’s books are not only fun for kids and adults to read, they also work to teach coping skills, reinforce the universal message of love, encourage mindfulness, and facilitate inclusion for all. Cummings has spent more than two decades working within the family therapy and support field and much of her writing shares her experiences of working with kids in therapeutic foster care. As a result, her catalogs of published books for kids are filled with positive, hopeful messages. Using therapeutic techniques in her stories to teach coping skills, Cummings also strives to lessen the stigma that some people feel when it comes to receiving mental health assistance.

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Make A Way Media
Make A Way Media
Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter