
Author Advice

When Love is Spelled T-I-M-E | My Dad’s Job

It was Toni Morrison who said, “If there’s a book you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.” That quote perfectly sums up […]

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Author Advice

If A Caterpillar Can Fly, Why Can’t I? | Why Journaling is a Great Tool for Kids 

If A Caterpillar Can Fly, Why Can’t I? is a very special book. ALL of my books are *special*…but this one holds a very special place in my heart. When […]

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Author Advice

Sun, Sand, and Mindfulness | My Trip to the Beach

Just like adults, children can have bad days too. The good news is that, just like adults, children can better cope with stress by learning and practicing mindfulness. That in […]

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Author Advice

Creating Characters that Steal Reader’s Hearts

During my author journey, I’ve learned many things. I’ve learned how important it is for kids to see characters in books who look like them and who have similar stories […]

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Make A Way

5 Things Every Child Needs to See, Hear, Touch, Smell, and Taste Every Day

It’s tough being a kid. Many of us think that we’d love to go back to the time in our lives when play was at the center of everything we […]

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Author Advice

The “ah-ha! moment” that inspired the diverse picture book, Love Is…

It seems that all/most authors have an “ah-ha!” moment that coincides with the inspiration for a book. As I look back at my diverse children’s book publishing journey at my […]

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