

Empathy Primer

When we talk about empathy, we mean putting oneself in other people’s shoes and seeing the world from their perspective. It is a skill that can and should be learned […]

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Daring to Dream: Celebrating Milestones

Having a dream is a very different animal from making that dream come true; it takes goal-setting and loads of work. It can take compromise and reimagining. Sometimes you may […]

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Like Rain Water: Goldilocks Your Reactions

All of us fly off the handle periodically. Life gets the better of us, and we become frustrated. Our anger rumbles deep within us and comes spewing out like a […]

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Immerse Yourself in Summer and Nature

The end of school and the busyness of the Aug-May schedule is a time for families to get outdoors. There are all kinds of camps and organized activities for adults […]

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Daring to Dream: Recharge

Having a dream and working to make it come to fruition is awesome but also exhausting. As May gets under way, we begin to think about summer break. Since we […]

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Mothering and Teaching Ourselves

The month of May is a time when we commemorate and appreciate both mothers and teachers. For so many people, it was with their mothers and teachers that they learned […]

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