
Author Advice

Where You Put Your Time

There is nothing wrong with being on your smartphone. It’s like a little computer in your hand. After a busy or stressful day, it can be a preferred way to […]

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Author Advice

Daring to Dream: Finding Financial Support

When you’re working to make a dream come true, it can be difficult to find the financial resources to support that dream. For many people, this can be the one […]

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Thinking About School Re-Entry

School will begin again before we know it, and the return to school routines can bring stress with it. Your child will have at least one new teacher, and if […]

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Author Advice

Daring to Dream: Support Systems

Having a dream is important, but so is having a support system to back you up. It isn’t always easy to make a dream become a reality, which is why […]

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Could Haves and Should Haves

July 15 marks National Toss Away the Could Haves and Should Haves Day, and that is a day we can all use in our lives, isn’t it? This day was […]

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Author Advice

Daring to Dream: Overcoming Questions and Doubts

Do you have an idea for something you’d like to accomplish? A dream you’d like to fulfill? Each time you step toward that goal, does a sense of doubt, or […]

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